19 producer

Friday, September 09, 2005

I have no title for this post

Ganked from Fark:
ExxonMobil's going to make $10 billion in profits this quarter - Does that get you good and steamed? If not, check out the guy who's taking donations for a new Ferrari. And people are giving. As someone who gets into a beater car and drives 60 miles a day round-trip for work, I feel cheated.

Speaking of money, I think I'm going to have to buy a copy of Battlefield 2. The demo's just too much fun. And you play it online for free, unlike my previous gaming addiction, which was $15 a month.

Then again, SOCOM 3's coming out next month, and it's got free online play. Jerry's a SOCOM fan; if I could convince him to play online, I think the decision to purchase it would be a lock.
|| pary, 10:21 AM


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