I'm working Thanksgiving, and Friday to boot. I have a feeling working Saturday may also be in my future. So the wife packed up the kid and headed to Ohio, my folks packed up and headed to Knoxville for Thanksgiving with my brother, and I'm stuck at home...which means I'll sit around and play lots of video games.
Speaking of video games, the station is having an Xbox 360 giveaway contest. It's in the building somewhere I think, and it's killing me to have it so close, yet so far away.
I'd like one for Christmas, but the prices are insane and so is the demand. When our promotions manager picked up our Xbox for the contest, it was bagged and hidden from view, checked out at the farthest counter in the store, and she was escorted by three store employees to her car...and they didn't leave the parking lot until she was driving out.
We had a good show during Iron Bowl 2005 this weekend. Just like last year, it was a little crazy, and extremely tiring. But we all had a good time doing it.
Here are a couple of pictures from this year.

This is the Football Friday truck -- it's real name is something like the Bill Penney Toyota Town Trophy Tundra Truck, but that's a lot to remember. I drove it down to Auburn with our set in the back seat. On the way I lost a moving blanket on I-65 and the tarp that covered the set in the back was shredded before I got to Priceville.

We were set up by the Coliseum at Auburn. Our truck was on the street, and our set was on the top level of the arena. It was a bad trip to make, unless you had a golf cart.

And of course, Lowhorne was the keeper of the golf cart.

When Steve and Jerry got there, they just stood around for a while Friday afternoon.

They let Marks do all the work, including the noon live shot.

Me and Jerry, before the pregame show started, on top of the Coliseum.

Here's what our set looked like when we got it all done and ready to go.

Marks, Damian, Doug and Brian. This was at about eight o'clock on Saturday morning, and no one was really happy to be there out in the cold that early...
...except Lisa.

Woodard was having a blast the whole time...and decided to throw up his gang's symbol after the show.

And John was just glad it was all over.