Last night we had a story on
how easy it is for thieves to steal your car (Click and find the "Gone in 60 Seconds" story). For the finale of the piece, we had two guys steal one of our Jeeps live. They broke out a window, cut the casing around the steering column, popped the ignition and drove off in 39 seconds.
What you may not know from watching the piece is that those two guys could have done it a lot faster than they did. Like 20 seconds. And if you were wondering what the guy threw against the window before he smashed it with a hammer, those were ceramic pieces from spark plugs. They're supposed to break a window quickly and with very little noise, but the guy missed.
We had some viewers question why we would show people how to steal a car. But if you want to steal a car, chances are you already know how to. It's all over
the Internet for anyone who can type "steal a car" into Google.
Two other things: The two men who stole the car weren't actual thieves. I believe they run a car detailing business, and I believe they will be the ones replacing the window and ignition on our Jeep. And if you were wondering who cleaned up the mess in the parking lot ... that would be none other than the reporter who caused the mess, Jason Marks.
The best Super Bowl commercial you didn't get to see.
Also, a couple of other favorites:
Sprint cell phone - with crime deterrent.
Killing the fly - Don't judge too quickly. Their
airplane one was good too.
Late hitSales are down - Someone I work with always complains when guys laugh at things with monkeys in them. She always asks the same question "Why do guys think monkeys are so funny?" Well, the answer is "because they are."
Oh and yeah, I guess the game was pretty good too.