19 producer

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Where am I?

I know, I've been slack lately. I've had a lot going on, like a renewed addiction to World of Warcraft, new seasons of The Shield and 24, a couple of sinus migraine attacks, a minor victory to get the ball rolling at work and a frightening ordeal with an attractive lady at Wal-Mart who just happened to be missing her front teeth (which I'll elaborate on later, if I can bring myself to relive the experience).

Right now though, I have to go to work and tell John Pearson he'll have to wait another day until he gets the 24 premiere on DVD. It takes too long to convert it from TiVo format and burn it off.

Relax, Pearson. That's what you get for going on vacation. And remember this: You're having to rely on me for your Jack Bauer fix because a certain co-anchor of yours forgot to tape it for you OH NO I DIDN'T!

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