19 producer

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Stories you won't see on TV today

Here's a few news tidbits you won't see on TV today. Of course, I could probably help myself out by actually looking for things that I can air on the news, but that's not much fun.

|| pary, 11:10 AM || link || (0) comments |

Sunday, April 27, 2008

this title intentionally left blank

So I'm at work on a Sunday, which is not cool. But ... here's something that is!

I just hope that these guys are now doing something like working on better prosthetic limbs to make the world a better place for some people. Then again, if everyone used their genius to help the world instead of making robot legs for pranks, what would I watch in my spare time?

|| pary, 10:19 PM || link || (0) comments |