19 producer

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

i think i'm gonna hurl

Jones Soda, salmon-flavored, anyone?

Last year I brought up the idea of doing a news feature on the disgusting sodas Jones comes out with for the holiday season. We got two packages from Jones, and as gnarly as turkey and gravy soda sounds, I was looking forward to at least trying mashed potatoes in a bottle.

Well, they hid the drinks somewhere until I went on vacation, then decided it was time to do the story. So I never even saw the stuff, much less got a chance to try it.

Green bean-flavored soft drink. I still can't figure out why I'm upset I missed it.
|| pary, 11:45 PM || link || (0) comments |

Monday, November 14, 2005

sick kid

My daughter's been sick the last couple of days. It got bad Saturday night, and we've been on shifts of little to no sleep while we kept her medicated. She has asthma, so we have to make sure she doesn't have an attack bad enough where she needs to go to the emergency room. She has a doctor's appointment here in a couple of hours, but in the meantime it's "play with me, play with me."

That's probably the worst thing about sick kids, other than the fact that they're going to pass on their sickness to you. They don't really know they're sick, and they want to play Dance Dance Revolution until their either vomit or collapse in a coughing fit (she's done both, by the way).
|| pary, 12:22 PM || link || (0) comments |