It's the day after a major migraine. It's better than the first day, but it's still not fun.
I haven't had a migraine in over two years. The ones I get are sinus-related. The gunk in my sinuses just clogs them up to the point where I start seeing spots, and then the headache begins. When I lived in Cincinnati, I got them every couple of weeks until the doctor put me on Claritin and some other drugs. When I moved back to the South, they just stopped...until yesterday.
I dropped my daughter off at daycare and headed to the video store to drop off some movies. On the road, I started seeing the spots. I knew what was coming, so I headed home and fired up the shower. The trick is to turn it up as high as you can stand and let the water steam out your sinuses. If you don't, the pressure increases until you just barf all over the place.
Well, the shower didn't work so well. Among the other things I tried to get my nose cleared out was holding my face over a pot of boiling water, spraying nose spray up my schnoz and even inhaling the steam from the dish washer (shut up. I thought maybe the water mixed with soap would help. It just burned).
I finally got everything cleared up, but I had that nice residual headache you keep for a day or two after the initial agony.
Then, apparently as I slept, I was in some awkward position on my pillow that left shooting pain down my spine when I got up this morning. I downed some ibuprofen and decided to suck it up. I went to the doctor, got some meds and headed to work.
I was on the fence about going to work. I hate burning sick days, but I also felt bad. Halfway to work, I decided I didn't want to go in, but I did anyway.
So here I am, unable to turn my head or listen to loud noises, and we get breaking news. A plane had made an emergency landing on a busy street. Everyone immediately goes into breaking news mode, running around and yelling. If you've never seen it before, it's the ultimate definition of organized chaos.
So I end up running around and stressing out for the next three hours, all the while my neck muscles twisting and bunching up. By the time I was able to slam down some more Motrin, I was starting to feel pain when I moved my left arm.
Thankfully, most of the pain is now gone. But it looks like I'm going to have to keep an eye on my sinuses from here on out.
And also, throw away the new Ralph Lauren pillow my wife bought. I need something with more give in it.
End whining.

I was watching television at my parents' house Sunday night and flipping channels, waiting for Family Guy to come on.
I found
The Punisher on Showtime and started watching a little of it. At one point in the movie, there's a television on and they cut in with some breaking news. I don't remember what exactly the breaking news was other than the Punisher showed up.
But as they started their breaking news, I noticed the music sounded familiar. It was the same music that we use during our live tease before the 10 p.m. news.
If you were wondering, the music we use is called Metropolis. There's a lot of
other stations across the country using it too.
Sort of weird they'd use music called "Metropolis" for the Punisher, since Metropolis is where Superman lives. OK, so it'd only weird if you're a comic book geek.
And by the way, the Punisher movie is pretty awful.