19 producer

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Downfall of Society

OK. You can take one look at Eliot Spitzer, then look at the picture to the left, and you know there was money changing hands when they had sex.

Now this chick is trying to turn tricks in a new way, by whoring herself out for everyone to see, instead of just keeping quiet about the whole ordeal until she goes to court to testify about New York's soon-to-be ex-governor.

Sure, she's not talking about what she and Spitzer did behind closed doors, but she has posted up a couple of songs that you can download for something like a dollar apiece. I haven't downloaded them to check them out. Don't plan to, either.

I'll never understand why some people decide to try and cash in on accidental fame. If past history is any indication, the best Ashley Dupre is going to do is land a short-lived reality show on the E! network. It worked for Kim Kardashian.

And, of course, we can always hope that she and some wedding photographer will put out a music video for her songs, like another faux-celebrity did.

|| pary, 12:17 PM || link || (0) comments |