...but it sure makes me mad sometimes.
I mentioned here a little while back that we bought a new video camera. Supposedly it takes pictures as well as video. After playing with it a while, I've come to realize what that means.
Basically, while you're shooting video, you hold down a still photo button on the back of the videocamera. It freezes that frame for seven seconds, so you've got a picture. After that, apparently you just flail about helplessly in one of the eight different programs that came with the camera until you give up on figuring out how to get the picture converted from an .avi file to an actual image file. Then you kick your kid's toys around the house and scream until you go into a coughing fit and die. From what I can tell, the images look like crap anyway, so I'm glad we didn't toss our digital camera when we got this new thing.
You might wonder what exactly the point of this is. Well, I was going to post some pictures of my daughter from Halloween last night. She dressed up as Cinderella, and had a great time. But you don't get to see that, thanks to modern technology.
Instead, I decided to put up a couple of pictures from Riley's first Halloween, back in 2002.