19 producer

Monday, November 28, 2005

Thanksgiving weekend is over

The weekend's over and everyone's back home from visiting family. I did about 20 loads of laundry this weekend, literally, and played video games until I thought my fingers were going to fall off.

I also watched my first episode ever of "Nip/Tuck." They were cutting an 800-lb. woman off of a couch her skin had become fused to over the course of three years. Interesting as it was, I don't think it's going to become a show I watch regularly, just because it's a little too weird. I mean really...how many people do you know that are having sex with a gorgeous cop who's investigating their slasher attack case? And after their porn-star girlfriend walks in the door and catches them, she's totally cool with just jumping into the mix?

Then again, I don't know any plastic surgeons, so that could all be true to life.

So now it's on to Christmas, then shortly after, turning 30 years old. I'm thinking of asking for an iPod. An Xbox 360 would be cool, but now I'm thinking I just need to wait.

By the way, check out this great Xbox commercial that's never going to run on television.
|| pary, 11:43 AM || link || (0) comments |