19 producer

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

When you gotta go...

So this video is making the rounds in Huntsville this week. It's an HPD cop who apparently had to go, and decided to take a whiz behind a dumpster while he was out on patrol. Bad news for him is a security camera was watching, and someone who may not have appreciated the visit posted it on YouTube (it has been removed, but it's on our website).

Obviously, the police department is looking into it. I can't imagine that any punishment handed down in an official capacity is going to trump what his coworkers have to say about it. But let's be real about the situation.

If I'm a cop, this is not a move I make. I'd imagine that if I were wearing a uniform, I could convince any gas station owner to let me use their can. And if I'm really hurting, well ... that's what empty Propel bottles are for ... you know, the perfect sized opening and all that.

But no man on this planet can sit there and pretend that they haven't done this. You know why? Because we can.

You ladies are relegated to finding bushes. And I feel for you, really. Every time I come out of a movie and see the line snaking out of the women's room, I wince a little.

But for men, the world is our toilet if we choose. Gotta go after attending a big concert? Open the car door and stand behind it. Camping? Find a good-sized tree. In a crowded bar bathroom? Don't shoulder your way to the trough, find an open sink! It's just who we are.

So I seriously hope this guy doesn't get into too much trouble for what's really just a lapse in judgment. Because I'd be willing to bet that, like all men, his superiors have found themselves in a similar bind at some point.

(Yes, assuming his superiors are all men is a sexist and blanket statement, but it works better with the point I'm trying to make. Don't freak out.)

|| pary, 12:54 PM || link || (1) comments |

Monday, June 16, 2008

Back to Addiction

My wife bought me the World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade expansion pack for Father's Day. Why she would do that, I don't know, since it makes me less of a father when I'm glued to the computer for hours at a time.

Anyway, I digress. To commemorate my return to the world of absolute nerd-dom, I thought I'd share one of the greatest, most cruel and heartless WoW videos of all time.

Note: There is harsh language in this video (text, not spoken), so if you don't like that sort of thing, don't click it.

|| pary, 1:19 PM || link || (1) comments |