I went on a podcast-subscribing spree today. Here's what I got:
The Onion - Yeah, that Onion. It's basically a one-minute parody news update. I heard it a couple of times on Howard Stern's show when I lived up in Cincinnati. It's pretty good.
diggnation - I don't know. I've heard a lot about it from the
TWiT podcast, so I decided to check it out. Here's the description of the episode I downloaded:
"iTunes boosts prime time ratings for NBC/ABC, Apple Intel-Ad Postal, Play Half-Life on iPod Nano, Make your own Island, LSD: The Geek's Wonder Drug?, Make your own Island, Stardust Probe, Turn and old scanner into a 115 megapixel camera, Old Tetris, An animated GIF showing a stabilized version of the infamous Bigfoot film."Ask a Ninja - A ninja answers your questions.
Happy Tree Friends - It's like Itchy and Scratchy from the Simpsons, but more violent (if that's possible). They've shown shorts of it on
Attack of the Show, thought I'd get a couple.
And, just for reading, a
bonus video! Enjoy.