I am tired today. My Xbox is broken so I can't play any games, I haven't had the opportunity to go shooting with my new gun yet, and the TiVo I got for Christmas is in a holding pattern because the cable company doesn't know yet how I can get a cablecard decoder for it.
So I've spent the morning on YouTube. And let me tell you, if you think "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth-Grader?" is an odd concept for a show, you haven't seen some of these gems.
You may not get this one right off the bat, but stick with it. It'll make sense. And then you'll be asking yourself: Who's the bigger freak, the contestant or the guy who dreamed this show up?
This is a Japanese game show. I think it's called "Silent Library." There's a bunch of them on YouTube, but I think my favorite is this one with Ernesto Hoost in it.
And then there's this clip from a British show called "Balls of Steel." This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen, and it has the Raising Arizona yodeling music in it, so it's automatically a favorite with my fellow producer Tracy. Be warned, this one has a little salty language in it that's not fit for American TV, but is apparently cool with British censors.
Strange shows, from countries you'll probably never visit. This is the glory of the internet.