I used to read comics when I was younger. I quit reading them regularly when I went to college, because I was more interested in spending my money on music, girls and beer (not always in that order).
Since then, I've only picked up a couple of titles. I'm not really interested in reading any of the superhero books anymore; I'm fine with leaving that as part of my childhood. But there are plenty of books out there for the adult who likes pictures with their words.
This week I picked up the complete 60-issue run of
Y: The Last Man. In a nutshell, it's a story about every male from every species on earth falling over dead one day, all at once. The women are left to rule the earth. But there's one guy named Yorick who for some reason, doesn't drop dead. He and his sidekick monkey are the only two males left on the planet.
I've only read the first eight issues, but I'm hooked. The story basically follows Yorick, a special agent assigned to guard him, and a scientist as they travel across the country to find a lab where they can figure out how Yorick survived, and what they can do to keep the human race going.
You can pick up the collected trades through
Amazon. And if you still think comics are for kids, you can just wait until it hits the silver screen. The creative team behind Disturbia is developing it as a trilogy, and the word is Shia Lebouf will play Yorick.
On a side note, another excellent comic series,
Preacher, is in development as a new series for HBO.